The NOAA Atmospheric Modification Program--A 1995 Update


  • Joseph H Golden NOAA Atmospheric Modification Program Silver Spring, Maryland



NOAA’sAtmospheric Modification Program owes its origins to the WeatherModification Advisory Board Report (1978), that was commissioned by the Secretary of Commerce.One of the key recommendationsof that interdisciplinary panel report was the establishment of a new, vigorous research program by NOAA,which was layered on top of somepre-existing operational cloud seeding programs in the States. Concurrently, the water managementcommunity with in some of the States organized to seek Congressional support for their atmosphericmodification efforts. These actions resultexl in the formationof the "Federal/State Cooperative Programin Weather
Modification Research’, now termed the Atmospheric Modification Program (AMP) reflect the inclusion of research on inadvertent weather modification and climatic change impacts.  The AMPis carried forward in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, by renewable two-year cooperative agreements with the six memberstates: Arizona, Utah, Nevada, North Dakota, Illinois, and Texas. Weshould emphasize that the AMPProgramsupports a large fraction of the cutting-edge research in cloud physics and associated laboratory and field measurementsin the U.S. The status of the program through 1991 was reported by Reinking (1992). Anexcellent review progress in planned weather modification between 1991-1994will soon be published by Czys (1995).

Author Biography

  • Joseph H Golden, NOAA Atmospheric Modification Program Silver Spring, Maryland




Technical Notes and Correspondence

How to Cite

The NOAA Atmospheric Modification Program--A 1995 Update. (1995). The Journal of Weather Modification, 27(1), 99-109.