A Laboratory Investigation of the Effects of Pyrotechnic Hygroscopic Aerosol Thermocondensation and Pre-Prepared Powder on Cloudy Environments


  • Cloud Seeding Technologies




Hygroscopic Seeding, Cloud Seeding, Cloud Condensation Nuclei, Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics, Flares


The article is an examination of an experimental study of the interaction of hygroscopic aerosol particles of various origins, particularly thermocondensation variant and mechanically destroyed (pre-prepared powders), with a warm cloudy environment (T>217K). Depending on the concentration, properties, and spectrum of the aerosol used, as well as the structure of the colloidal cloud medium, the result of the interaction can be a stabilized and/or destabilized form of the latter. Our experimental results have shown no consensus on whether the variant from exposing standard pyrotechnic flares equipped with a composition that generates a hygroscopic-variant aerosol to destabilize the colloidal stability of the cloud media, and, accordingly, can lead to an increase in precipitation. The authors believe this is due to the significant uncertainty in the processes of aerosol formation, both in the process of laboratory experiments and directly during cloud seeding operations.



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How to Cite

A Laboratory Investigation of the Effects of Pyrotechnic Hygroscopic Aerosol Thermocondensation and Pre-Prepared Powder on Cloudy Environments. (2024). The Journal of Weather Modification, 55(1). https://doi.org/10.54782/wd6cj564