Criteria for a Remote Ground Generator Network in Leon (Spain)


  • J L Sánchez Lab.Física de la Atmósfera Universidad de León
  • A Castro Laboratorio de Física de la Atmósfera Universidad de León
  • J L Marcos Laboratorio de Física de la Atmósfera Universidad de León
  • L T de la Fuente Laboratorio de Física de la Atmósfera Universidad de León
  • R Fraile Laboratorio de Física de la Atmósfera Universidad de León



In 1985, the Agriculture Department of the Province of León (Diputación de León), worried about the frequent occurrence of hailfalls, asked the Laboratorio de Física de la Atmósfera de la Universidad de León to perform research on hail climatology and the economic repercussions of hail on agriculture. In order to do that, a target area was defined (Fig. 1) in which the agrarian production is high, and network of meteorological observers was established in a density of one for each 17 km. This network has provided a useful data base for the summer hail period since 1986 when the project started. The target area comprises a good part of the provinces of León and Zamora and has an extent of 12,500 km^2.




Scientific Papers

How to Cite

Criteria for a Remote Ground Generator Network in Leon (Spain). (1994). The Journal of Weather Modification, 26(1), 83-88.