Precipitation Gauge Siting for Evaluation of an Orographic Cloud Seeding Demonstration Project in the Central Rocky Mountains


  • Gerard E Klazura Division of Atmospheric Resources Research U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Denver, Colorado
  • Arlin B Super Division of Atmospheric Resources Research U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Denver, Colorado
  • Jonnie G Medina Division of Atmospheric Resources Research U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Denver, Colorado



A winter orographic cloud seeding demonstration program is being planned for one or more of the high-water yield subbasins within the Upper Colorado River Basin. The primary response variable to be analyzed is the mean areal precipitation for 24-hour or shorter time intervals. The precipitation gauge network design includes the following specifications: gauge resolution of 0.025 cm; gauges installed at well protected sites such as small clearings in forests; gauges placed in a quasi-uniform areal distribution; the full range of elevations and aspects sampled; most gauges installed above 2900 m.




Scientific Papers

How to Cite

Precipitation Gauge Siting for Evaluation of an Orographic Cloud Seeding Demonstration Project in the Central Rocky Mountains. (1986). The Journal of Weather Modification, 18(1), 75-80.