Italo-Yugoslav Anti-Hail Defense


  • Fedrico Primozic Ente Regionale di Sviluppo dell’Agricoltura Gorizia, Italy
  • Domenico Vento Ufficio Centrale di Ecologia Agraria Rome, Italy



It is well known that Italy participated in Grossversuch IV and its results are now common knowledge. When these results were published in Italy, they had negative repercussions on the official and public bodies engaged in research in this field. The Italo-Yugoslav defense project, provided by the Italo-Yugoslav Convention and signed in Trieste on April 6, 1982, was consequently delayed for several years in order to stop and think objectively about the conclusions reached by Grossversuch IV, and understand better what Italy could propose as an acceptable program of defense in the attempt to win the battle against hail. At this point the conviction grew that it would be necessary to produce studies and research work, even that of a basic nature, both in natural and in artificial conditions.




Scientific Papers

How to Cite

Italo-Yugoslav Anti-Hail Defense. (1986). The Journal of Weather Modification, 18(1), 28-29.